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Old Church in Soya Village

The village of Soya is the oldest adat (traditional) village in the city of Ambon and has many historical sites.  One of these historical sites in the village of Soya is the Ancient Urn that is located on the top of Mount Sirimau.  This urn is unique in that there is always water inside the urn and it never goes dry, not even in the dry season. The village of Soya also has a baileo (a traditional meeting place) and also an old church. This church was burnt down during the conflicts in 2002, but it was rebuilt and restored maintaining its original European architectural style.

Desa Soya merupakan desa adat tertua di kota Ambon dan memiliki banyak situs sejarah. Salah satu situs sejarah yang ada di Desa Soya adalah Tempayan Tua Soya yang terletak di puncak Gunung Sirimau. Tempayan ini memiliki keunikan tersendiri yaitu air yang selalu penuh di dalamnya dan tidak pernah kering kendati pada musim kemarau. Desa Soya memiliki baileo (rumah adat) dan juga gereja tua. Gereja tua di desa Soya ini pernah habis terbakar pada peristiwa kerusuhan tahun 2002, tetapi telah dibangun dan dipugar kembali dengan mempertahankan arsitektur aslinya yang bergaya eropa.

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